Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

Zoey and Zoey at Nevermore Academy

When we were in Krakow, we wanted to travel somewhere else, so we decided to look at the map. When I saw Romania on the map, my mom asked me if I could figure everything out: the trains to Romania, hotels/hostels.After a while, I started planning the trip since it was a long trip, and …

Zoey and Zoey at the beach

We decided to go to the beach on Saturday after dance since it was hot outside.We packed our bags and then went to go go to the train. We brought a beach tent, sunscreen, two towels, snacks, water, sunglasses, swimsuits, and much more. When we arrived at the beach, we set up our tent and …

Zoey and Zoey Bear in Eindhoven

On a Sunday, we went to Eindhoven to see Keshava Swami. When we were ready to leave, we had to take the tram, train, and bus. When we arrived, we had to find where the gathering was.We had to take off our shoes and sit on a pillow when we found the place. There was …

Zoey and Zoey with Christian Chaubet

A couple of weeks ago, I made a reel on Instagram, and after an hour, I got many comments on my reel, and many jewelry brands wanted me to promote them.So my mom messaged them on my Instagram and decided to start with the jewelry brand Christian Chaubet, so we ordered three different things;A heart …